Kikkoman Annual Report Survey

Kikkoman is conducting a survey about its Annual Report as part of efforts to improve its IR activities. We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete and return the attached survey.
The personal information you provide will not be used for any purpose other than to improve our IR activities.

Return to: Investor Relations Team, Corporate Communication Department, Kikkoman Corporation

Q1.What is your overall view of Annual Report? Very good (interesting, informative, useful, etc.)
Not very good
Q1.Please provide reasons in the box below.
Q2.This year’s Annual Report contained the following sections. Which sections did you read?( Multiple responses allowed) Front cover
Financial Highlights
Message from the Management
Special Feature : Mid-Term Management Plan
Kikkoman at a Glance
Corporate Citizenship
Financial Section
Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Corporate Officers
Corporate Data / Corporate History
Q3.Please indicate which sections you liked. (Multiple responses allowed) Also, please provide reasons in the box below. Front cover
Financial Highlights
Message from the Management
Special Feature :Mid-Term Management Plan
Kikkoman at a Glance
Corporate Citizenship
Financial Section
Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Corporate Officers
Corporate Data / Corporate History
Q4.Please feel free to provide any further feedback about this year's Annual Report.For example, what additional information and improvements would you like to see?
Q5.When do you usually read our Annual Report and those published by other companies? As soon as possible after publication
When I am considering an investment
I rarely read annual reports
Other (please explain in the box below)

Q6.What media do you generally use to read our Annual Report and those published by other companies? Hard copy
Hard copy and website
Job description Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. Please assist us further by providing your details below.
Sell-side analyst
Buy-side analyst
Fund manager

Company(not obligatory)
Position(not obligatory)
Name(not obligatory)

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